The Leucemie Lymphomide Chronique (LLC)

Leucemie lymphoide

(LLC) is a cancer that attacks the cellular immune system. It’s marked by abnormally high numbers of lymphocytes, which normally battle off bacteria, viruses and other invaders.

LLC can affect anyone, but is more common among men. Furthermore, those between 60 and 75 tend to develop it more frequently.


LLC de type b can impact the lymphocytes in your immune system, which play an integral role in combatting infections and cancers.

The initial indication of Liver Cell Cystitis (LLC) is an increase in lymphocytes known as blastes.

These cells produce an excess of antibodies which shield your body against infections.

In some cases, an increased number of lymphocytes may also cause other symptoms. These may include a fever, fatigue, shortness of breath, weight loss and night sweats.

Other symptoms may be more serious, such as bleeding from your nose or mouth or low blood pressure. If you experience any of these conditions, consult a doctor immediately so they can be treated if necessary.

Though not usually life-threatening, LLC symptoms can be annoying or uncomfortable. They may also be indicative of other conditions. If you experience any of these signs, speak to your doctor right away so they can be properly addressed.


The diagnosis of LLC de type b is made using three specialized examinations: cytometrie in flux, immunophenotypage and reference exam.

Other tests may be ordered to help the doctor decide on a course of treatment. These may include an assessment of the immune system, which is commonly affected in LLC patients; tests for infections and other auto-immune diseases.

Additionally, it’s essential to monitor changes in blood’s platelets and hemoglobine levels for any signs of thrombopenia – an acute disorder in coagulation.

Lymphocytes B (lymphocytes B) produce a range of immune proteins to guard against infection and other illnesses. These cells originate in the bone marrow and help produce antibodies which fight viruses, bacteria and other foreign invaders.


La Leucemie lymphoide chronique (LLC) is an aggressive illness that affects B lymphocytes, specifically those of the mucosal mucous cell line. These cells play a crucial role in our immune system’s fight against bacteria, viruses and other invaders. To diagnose LLC, an expert laboratory performs an immunoophenotype examination under a microscope – known as an immunophenotype – on cells from your neck of the woods. If found positive for LLC, treatment options include therapy or chemotherapy treatments at home for those affected.

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