What Is an LLC Resolution Template?

Delaware LLC resolution template

An LLC resolution template is a legal document that outlines the management structure of an LLC. This form should include a list of all members and their ownership percentage.

Some states require corporations to make resolutions in order to maintain their business operations and avoid potential lawsuits. This is particularly pertinent for small businesses with few assets and fewer employees.

Title of Document

When people open your document, the title should be the first thing they see. Create a short but memorable title that’s easy to scan and remember.

A well-written and thoughtful resolution can save you time, effort and money in the long run. A well-drafted resolution may be all that is necessary to convince banks or IRS officials that your business venture is legitimate. Furthermore, it serves as a testament to your superiority – something to proudly display amongst your corporate records for all to admire and utilize.

LLC Details

Delaware LLCs must create an official operating agreement (known as the Limited Liability Company Agreement). This document outlines each member’s ownership interest, voting rights and share of profits or losses.

No matter your company’s size, an LLC Operating Agreement is an essential document to create and store safely for future reference. Not only does it help settle disputes between members, but it also safeguards your limited liability status.

To start an LLC, the initial step is to search for a suitable business name. This can be done by performing a General Information Name Search at the Delaware Division of Corporations.


Resolution of an LLC provides courts, government entities and outside professionals with a better overview of your company’s operations. This is particularly beneficial for multi-member LLCs; however, even single-member businesses could find it beneficial to utilize an LLC resolution template.

Delaware LLCs have become increasingly popular due to their low costs and business-friendly court system, progressive laws developed by the Chancery Court, and reliable liability protection. Furthermore, the Delaware legislature was a pioneer in creating series LLCs – allowing multiple LLCs to operate under one umbrella entity.


An LLC resolution template can be utilized to clearly define the management structure of your company and the rights and responsibilities of its members. Doing this helps avoid potential legal disputes among stakeholders in your business venture.

Certification of this form is an integral step in the formation process, confirming that you have submitted all paperwork correctly and honestly with the Delaware Department of State.

This certificate is also necessary to acquire an Employer Identification Number (EIN) and certain business licenses.

The LLC resolution template can be easily downloaded, filled out, and printed for filing online with Delaware One Stop or by mail. If you opt to send in your submission via postal service, be sure to include a cover sheet. Alternatively, you may choose to expedite the process for an additional fee.


Resolutions are official documents that record an agreement among all parties involved. They serve to preserve key business moments and demonstrate mutual consent and understanding.

Documents such as these should always be stored securely and can be utilized for many purposes. They’re essential in avoiding shareholder disputes, IRS audits and ensuring your business records are organized and filed accurately.

A resolution for a Delaware LLC must be signed by all directors and officers, as well as being certified by an authorized officer.

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